

Multifandom artist (but mostly BSD) | undefined hiatus

フォロー数:533 フォロワー数:580

in a new direction, so how will i know i've gone too far?

21 62

small oda, he... he's just so... *gently holds* 😭😭

5 12

meu nome é larissa, faço pinturas digitais com foco no semi realismo 🤘

0 12

hii i'm late but here's some art for

5 7

The fear of falling apart

23 52

but I refuse to add my own face in the middle 🥴

1 7

Send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh.

9 19

ainda tem vaga?? 👉👈

0 2