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Here is where I put stuff my brain wants to talk about XD
Stick around if you like!

フォロー数:947 フォロワー数:793

Don't even get me started on Beastars. I wanna have them go full phantom thieves, dealing with own self loathing and frustrations while taking down the market and sociopathic carnivores as a group.

(They already have stands. That's like 50% of the work right there!)

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In the near future, I really wanna make my own Sonic pitch thread but I'm really nervous about it.

I want everything I write for it to be as good as the artwork but I keep getting locked up on what to do because I'm not sure how to make it perfect.

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Them and Sonic too.
I like giving them darker skin tones.

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Np! This is the AU where everything is the same but Kaiba is a girl.

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Yknow... As much as Steven Universe gets criticism for redeeming genocidal monsters, they at least knew to have them change their minds.

Sonic in just lets his go and hopes they become good because he acted good when they had brain damage.

6 17

Post four fictional characters you crush on and let people assume something about the kind of things that fluster you.

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Second round cause why not?

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