

Comes and goes like a feral cat.

Here for a bit, gone for a while.

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:15

My BOY SIMOON! But like, what happened to Tenka's hair and Sophia with the save!

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I love seeing Winter serious and defending Nox! Just brightens my day tenfold, haha.

I really do wish I owned a cat, Miss Rosca, but besides that, I'll be sure to eat my veggies (maybe)!

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And in other umm... Matters:

I be fangirling right now.

Pai, why'd you separate them. Nooooo.

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I made a deal with myself to hold back from tweeting you this next update, cause I thought I would be annoying you, but this update was way too cool! Really funny too, haha. I love how everything is going so far, Miss Rosca! Can't wait for more!

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