

perpetually sleep-deprived 🐥 jack of all trades, distracted by no 🐤 header by uselessmachine@tumblr

フォロー数:59 フォロワー数:90

Start painting a background, get halfway through, and SAI crashes out of spite. Thank god for screen recording..?

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The cat colony that I nabbed my first cat from was all maine coon and persian descended, so they were big-boned and huge! So I assumed all long cats must be naturally big boned! Feed accordingly.

N, the landrace here is all long and SUPER LEAN instead. Who knew?

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Lots of things that I could bubble about on this comic, because who am I, save self-indulgent? But instead I'm just very pleased with the balance I'm hitting on "Lavi is a kid w/ good intentions," and "Lavi is in an extremist cult," AND "Lavi's still just an asshole".

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Final stretch! 6-7 pages left to go, then pencils will all be doneee.

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I was debating posting these, but I keep returning to these pages and preening, so! Some pages I just am so tempted to ink and do Right Now, because I know it's going to be a fucking delight to work on.

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Teenagers remain my bane to draw, but Max Prep is being achieved.

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Style / colour-test WIP for this comic! 1:30minutes, mostly of trying to remember how the fuck to use Clip Studio (the constant struggle).

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Faeberron kids, icon edition.

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Kind of want to do portraits of the Faeberron kids, so: sketch of a possibility for Silence, and a kewpie-ified icon of My Favorite Tiefling.

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I have no idea why I made this, I just wanted to draw a puffin.

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