

perpetually sleep-deprived 🐥 jack of all trades, distracted by no 🐤 header by uselessmachine@tumblr

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:84

Other misc things from the past month or so. Exasperated with the comic? Procrastinate with RP shit. Tired of RP shit? Go 3D model!

If only I could redirect "fed up with 3D modeling" into "go FINISH YOUR WOODWORK", but we're getting there.

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Masks done for this, finally! Figured out how to make Xav's satisfyingly creepy, and finalised Tommy's for the most part.

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And in an abrupt shift in tone from earlier, working on a wedding card! Have to knock out the two interior flaps, but it should look nice when it's on cardstock.

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"Imagine being a poor Lucid. You turn your flashlight over the shadows, and you come across this? I would die. I'd just fucking die, and I'd be happy to die, and to cease living in a world where this exists."

anyway I remembered kids probably wear masks in the Maze, so Lavi's.

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New comic warm-up: redrawing memes.

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Historically, I've generally just mocked things up irl that are more 3D in drawings, then taken pictures at various angles/distances for reference, but realising I can skip that and just model shit in Meshmixer is pretty freeing.

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take three remained with some criticism, but TAKE FOUR, with the hand shape thoroughly dehand-ified (rip), is close enough to a success for tonight.

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I was informed take two was not better.

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Everyone negs me over not drawing characters' horns enough, so I make a 3D model to reference for a characters' horns, and then suddenly everyone's like "oh what the fuck is that" and "WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE MUSCLES?" and "THOSE AREN'T HORNS, THAT'S AN ARM".

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3 additional roughs down last night! Still not satisfied with them, but that'll be future Mar's problem to solve in penciling. Now back to the easier section: children slapfighting.

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