

editorial coordinator @QueerSpec. she/he/they i like comics and being silly :p

フォロー数:753 フォロワー数:1214

they are flirting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 96

also i’m trying not to get my hopes up but oh my gosh…could it be……?

0 29

xuân: i’m sad bc my gf dumped me :(
rogue: i am so horny for my husband you would not believe

2 20

this is what i look like irl

1 37

i waited one billion years for this

2 25

looks good, but i gotta say i like my version better

0 7

haven't seen anyone post my favorite panel from x-terminators - it's this one, largely bc i can't tell whether it's supposed to be an utena reference or if the creative team just wanted an excuse to have tabby's boobs in jubilee's face (both possibilities feel equally likely)

0 16

pick up X-TERMINATORS at your local comic book shop tomorrow!!!! ✨✨💥💥

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