

Retrogaming of the 8 and 16 bit variety. That's my jam. 😎

フォロー数:1283 フォロワー数:900 opposed to the painting over technique.

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Why do they keep shooting the stuff they're supposed to collect?

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Yeah, Krakout is a beautiful game.
There are even patched versions of it for both the 1531 and NEOS mouse too, which is brilliant.

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"Welcome to Suicide Express"

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Q*Bert is definitely a very cool game in its own right. I'm not sure if I can pick a favourite. 😁 But I think the thing we can all agree is a complete mystery: why does he have such a good head of hair on the title screen, but in the game he's totally bald? I must know. 😋

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It seemed to me a good example of how to turn an arcade game into a home computer game. (I'm assuming the author took the idea of Q*Bert and ran with it.) Just make a whole ton of levels, add in bonus stages, and allow game to easily run for five minutes or more. 👍

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The nice thing with the bird: they do play a bit of music before it appears, so it's quite nicely done.. if a little cruel. :) In a way it's a good idea, as it does train you up on fighting the bird before the end where you actually have to fight the bird for real. 🤔

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Wait.. Hold on guys. We've got time to fix these sub-games. Make them good..

Nope! Sorry. Can't do that. Lets make a whole 3D faux flight sim to tack on the end instead!


Nice title screen on the 2011 Nostalgia Easyflash cart crack, at least. 🙂

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Hmmm.. I'm so not sure what I think of Biggles.
A few different sub-games, but none of them really very good. 🤔 But when you've got an 80's movie that kinda butchers the book, why not do a game to butcher the butchered movie of the book? 😁

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