

Retrogaming of the 8 and 16 bit variety. That's my jam. 😎

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Today's retro nostalgia is Staff of Karnath, the first in the Sir Arthur Pendragon series on the C64. From a game mechanics point of view, maybe not the best thing out there. But it was an early game for me, and I was willing to negotiate that maze to the obelisk again and again.

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Last night I had a bit of a go at Spy vs Spy. A game that, originally I got to try completely by accident. 😁 One of the shop-assistants accidentally put this tape into my bag as well as the game I was actually hiring. The most excellent game I randomly got put on to. So cool. 😎

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Oh yeah, I've still got Hoi AGA on my virtual Amiga here. It's a game that is very Amiga in its looks, with colour-gradient backgrounds and big cute graphics, and multitudes of sprites. Here are a couple of screenshots I got while playing around with it tonight. 😎

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