

29 | Vernid | ♋ | Demi/Pan | in Polycule | Any pronouns | Polish (not american)
Artist, Streamer, GORE WHORE, MINORS DNI 🔞

フォロー数:1463 フォロワー数:26406

This is all.. for now~

19 249

Describe yourself in pictures you have. You may NOT download or search for new pictures.

2 76

this is happening today on stream and I need more ideas, I wanna draw at least 5 different tops with tiddy windows, and I need suggestions. Those nipples gotta breathe

8 205

-presents you my aggressive hare boy- -wink-

3 72

forgot to post these two, enjoy

2 119

alright twitter, have a mnylo uwu
-hands you an entire stone buppy-

41 438

This was a fun warm up ^^
Wanted to see pepper as a grown up, this is my idea of how they would look~!

82 537

Eda stole my heart in a speed of light... new character crush, big time.
Everybody please go watch It's great 😤💦

91 537