

29 | Vernid | ♋ | Demi/Pan | in Polycule | Any pronouns | Polish (not american)
Artist, Streamer, GORE WHORE, MINORS DNI 🔞

フォロー数:1463 フォロワー数:26406

Some stickers, one for me, one for melon and one for Jacky.

24 267

Most recent Commissions
Thanks guys!! <3

38 298

Vinyl Sticker designed (and ordered!) to go with every copy of the artbook <3

18 162

I'd love to get a bigger scene from them one day

9 74

Adding these after the original post hits 200 retweets~

12 161

Be sure to check out my new redbubble merch too!
I dropped some fresh stuff there now available for you to buy online <3
More to come!

47 205

More from Ask Ava~!

22 186