//=time() ?>
When I write code in #p5js, I start with something very simple like a box. From there, I gradually add or subtract something. I think the fun of #creativecoding is that just by changing a few numbers, we can get a completely different result💻
function setup(){createCanvas(s=600,s,WEBGL)}function draw(){background(0),rotateX(a),rotateY(1*a),rotateZ(2*a);for(let $=-5;$<5;$++)for(let t=-5;t<5;t++)for(let f=-5;f<5;f++)push(),translate(300*$,300*t,300*f),fill(0,s,0,31),box(100),pop();a+=.005}a=0;//#つぶやきProcessing
let angle=0,a=100,b=130;function setup(){createCanvas(600,600,WEBGL),noStroke()}function draw(){background(255);for(let $=0;$<360;$++){let e=sin($)*(a+b*sin($*angle)),n=cos($)*(a+b*sin($*angle));fill(255,e,n,63),ellipse(e,n,e/2)}angle+=1e-4}// #つぶやきProcessing
The wizards of #creativecoding are cheering me on, saying "I'll take you to a more wonderful place" while I'm still in training🧙 I feel impatient, "I haven't learned enough spells to get me to that place yet," and I continue my studies📕
var X=300,Y=300;function setup(){createCanvas(s=600,s),background(255)}function draw(){for(var b=0;b<=0;b++){var a=int(random(5));1==a?Y-=20:2==a?X+=20:3==a?Y+=20:4==a&&(X-=20),X>s&&(X=0),X<0&&(X=s),Y<0&&(Y=s),Y>s&&(Y=0),fill(60*a,0,90*a,10),ellipse(X,Y,70)}}//#つぶやきProcessing
I am currently working on some art to sell on #fxhash It looks like it will be quite nice💖
#p5js #creativecoding #generativeart
I am. "I want to be able to use some of the magic of the people who create that magical art!" That's why I started #generativeart 💻
I am learning new functions in #p5js every day, one by one, like learning a magic spell. It's very exciting 💖
function setup(){
function draw(){
x = random(640);
y = random(640);
translate(width/2, height/2);
rotate(radians(x * y));
fill(x, y, y, x);
triangle(x, y, x * 2, y * 2, x * 2, y);
I really like the artwork that this short code draws and I plan to do more research on this art🌀
#p5js #creativecoding #generativeart
function setup(){createCanvas(640,640)}function draw(){background(255,4);let l=random;x=l(640),y=l(640),rectMode(CENTER),s=l(x/4),fill(0,0,l(127),127),triangle(x,y,1.2*x,1.2*y,x,1.2*y),s=l(x/6),fill(255,127),circle(x,y,s),s=l(x/8),fill(0,127),circle(x,y,s)}//#つぶやきProcessing