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Just thought that @TomKingTK and @Inkdropinc would appreciate this image and the #ChuckJones rules for the #RoadRunner cartoon today. Why? Well, no particular reason... beep beep!
Yup! @thesteveorlando and team really blew our minds on today’s #ElectricWarriors 5. #Firestorm fans, you do not want to miss this one!
DC Preview Special! A great homage to the “my ward is a junkie!” cover by @LiamRSharp, #Hawkman continues to be amazing by @robertvenditti and @THEBRYANHITCH, we learn more about #Flash’s formative year and #Shazam came to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and he has bubble gum?
DC Preview Special! The #JusticeLeague have their hands full, as @Ssnyder1835 and team conclude their 6th Dimension journey, but also as the Dark team become the new agents of Chaos 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
What if... following the events of #HeroesInCrisis, @TomKingTK writes a new #Titans series, with Wally, Booster, Beetle(s), Donna traveling the timeline and adjusting anomalies? Like the one that stripped Wally of the twins and set him on the path that might be revealed in HiC?
First it was #Batman, and now #Aquaman joins the promotion for “Be a Hero, Read a Book” #HeroesRead 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻