lpmodding - commissions closedさんのプロフィール画像

lpmodding - commissions closedさんのイラストまとめ


modding adventures

nudity, vaguely nsfw & body horror content in previews/screenshots.

sometimes cat photos.

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:6039

tiny bit more on this while I have some free time

Still have to finish the back and decide fi I want to add a collar/necklace

1 51

if i remember, i'll probably do a version with and without the big collar + bow
since the little baby collar is also cute.

the big ruffle + bow just hides some of the messier upper body bits

but will also clip like a mofo in game + I need to unmessy the ruffle bit sooo :/

0 12

I stand at a cross roads where I either

start on my yearly lala mod month


go take a lot of very long naps as my after work hobby bc modding bores me

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i guess one change that I might do is adjust the stocking shape

left is original, right is adjusted

I still want to keep them sort of loose fitted, but I never really got the "stockings being pulled up by suspenders" look I originally wanted

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doing a quick update of Pearlescent to bibo+
nothing fancy. Honestly, the biggest improvement will probably be that it's packed a bit nicer + will be easier to use.

If I remember, I'll also add dyeable elements to the accessories since that was missing in the original release

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Mostly focuses on the arms + torso.

Comes with a version with vanilla skin and the new Epehlis Variant.

Also comes with diffuse + normal map overlays & the normal unmerged PSD.

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Midlander has original, Bun has the new variant.

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and the previous stuff thrown in game

i remember why i don't do stuff with dude characters

posing them
particularly this dude since I have a very clear idea of his personality & it is basically
trash dork
& all the dude poses are like ~ooh charismatic
which is not he

1 19

grease paint is skin care right?

basically i miss playing fo4 but can't be bothered to redownload it

So i'm making my trash sole in ff

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