

Hey there! You can call me Lauri! and my reindeer friend is Mirko! welcome to the page: I only ask that you stay kind and keep things chill around here🐈

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:134

I dont post much but this is my most recent stuff

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🎶"who lives, who dies, who tells your story"🎶
Hamilton is here and streaming on Disney + and HOLY CRAP IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so excited that I made a poster for the best character in the entire musical!!!!!!!

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just monika...Just Monika...JUST MONIKA!!!!!!!!
ok yeah I couldn't resist the challenge that's been filling up my feed for two whole days😂 and Monika was the first person to come to my head sooooooo

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1/2 Another mini Sonic comic cause I can't sleep so instead I'm going to draw until I pass out at my desk.

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Ok so I've never drawn Sally Acorn because I was afraid that it wouldn't look good BUT I tried it anyway and I liked how it turned out! and for fun, I did a movie version for Sally. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to bed for some well-needed rest.

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After watching the Sonic movie I only had one question. Who were Sonic's parents? So after weeks of sketches and rewrites, this is what came of it. And there might be a project that I'm going to work on involving these two later in the future.

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Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted any art so have some Sonic and Maddie artwork

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So I was watching game grumps play Sonic 2 and I couldn't help but make this!#gamegrumps

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