

Kyden/Dean/Song| 27 | neurodivergent artist | bigenderfluid transmasc (she/he/it only, no they) | personal account @M34T34T3R | icon by @Dreamt_dog

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:5441

did a quick Feathertail for 's challenge on instagram!! foreshortening is hard and I am not good at it

85 414

old -> new (old was a much more polished sketch)
I think I wanna tinker with her colours a lil more, I think I made her base grey too dark but maybe I just need to do my ol' family lineup with her and her bro and parents

0 35

a quick sketch of my updated Ferncloud design so she resembles her brother a lil more with his updated design

23 263

she's already a re-design of an old OC of mine but this might be fun

note: (if you wanna do anything with it) grass and flowers grow where he paws touch and she has magic the colours of those long strands of hair

3 31

QRT with some of your first digital art vs. your most recent

2008(??) - 2021

4 57

every few years I draw a picture of Brightheart and go all out, the first time I did so was in 2010
unlike other re-draws I like to change up the colours and composition, especially since the very first drawing was SO simple

2010 -> 2012 -> 2018 -> 2021

31 164

did this as a lil cool down doodle yesterday, me as a wolfwalker!!

16 219

comparison between the old and new piece!!

13 105

I wanna share the stages in my process of drawing
rough sketch -> clean sketch w/ rough colours and shading -> rendered (but no blur/rgb shift effects and only a lil colour editing) -> final piece

1 42