

Kyden/Dean/Song| 27 | neurodivergent artist | bigenderfluid transmasc (she/he/it only, no they) | personal account @M34T34T3R | icon by @Dreamt_dog

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:5441

SO I've been thinking abt how the arrow markings for my cat designs work, and seeing 's se3 cat Aang design made me think abt this idea that the fur is cut into an arrow shape and reveals different colours so I made some doodles

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let's throw in an IZ oc drawing for comparison specfically, I have more IZ stuff but they're stuck in Zine Hell

man all of my friends sketches are worth more than the stuff this guy is drawing for commissions

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oh so is for ppl under 10k?
hello!! my name is Kyden, I'm a nonbinary digital artist who draws a whole bunch of things, but mostly cats, recently I've been drawing the avatar characters as cats for fun (all of which you can see in my pinned tweet)

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Azula cat!!! w/ Zuko for comparison
fun fact: I have always been frightened of Azula and that has not changed, though I do think she's cool and I feel sorry for her

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I'm mad at Twitter for making me seperate Suki from everyone else, I feel like its often forgotten that she really is an offical part of the gaang, we all need to give her more love

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I have completed catifying the whole gaang (Suki is in the replies!!)
I'm really really proud of these designs, I put a whole lotta thought into each of them and I feel like they turned out great!!

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Suki cat!!!
and with that I have the whole gaang done (I'll continue doing other designs though) ;u; I am very very proud of myself

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its more that the scar on his face extends to his ear! and has visibly damaged it, here's how I drew him (since cat faces are structured different than humans I had to slightly mess w/ the shape) and also some screenshots from the show where u can see his left ear is messed up

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kinda sad today, could use a pick me up

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hi! my name is Kyden (she/he) and I dunno if my gender is everything or nothing, but I'm nonbinary and I love drawing cats, and whatever else catches my fancy at the time
sometimes I turn other interests into cats

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