

Kyden/Dean/Song| 27 | neurodivergent artist | bigenderfluid transmasc (she/he/it only, no they) | personal account @M34T34T3R | icon by @Dreamt_dog

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:5441

wanted to do a new vs old design comparison of two of the prettiest siblings in warriors
I wanna do a painting of these guys, I'm so happy with both of their designs it'd be fun to render them in detail

47 307

a lil sketchpage of some pretty she-cats, I got SO MANY suggestions from y'all on who to draw, I mostly chose cats who I hadn't drawn yet or havent done a redesign for

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Bristlefrost character sheet!! she got her butt dipped in snow
I'm really pleased with my design for her, I dont think I have much else to say on it though, her hair tuft is real goofy but I think it fits her

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**makes a gurgling noise**

1 35

quick colour test for Bristlefrost, I really need to fix her pose for the main fullbody there

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I've got this weirdo here! if you want to do her you can choose whichever colour pallete you please

0 13

pretty standard man, I had fun with his pretty hair floof tho

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