Matt “only here to block ads” Baumさんのプロフィール画像

Matt “only here to block ads” Baumさんのイラストまとめ

Co-Host of the Two-Headed Nerd comic book podcast, skeptic, atheist, cook, metalhead, aquarium nerd, pug wrangler, and adult child.

フォロー数:1513 フォロワー数:1050

Catching up on 's Beta Ray Bill and it's just a kick-ass cosmic read. If we don't get Bill in Love and Thunder we riot!

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Remember when Polaris lost her magnetic powers in the Savage Land and got really tall and super-strong and her hair went completely fucking insane? That was wild...

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I love talking ape characters more than some of my own family and while reviewing Teen Titans Academy I fell in love with another one. Gorilla Gregg.

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I caught up on last night and you guys... It's so damn good!

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I just noticed something and maybe I'm late with this one. But this first pic is Punk Mambo and the second is Chastity. Same stylist?

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Check out my review of Basketful of Heads from by and then download our latest ep to hear and I fight about it!

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