

Full time writer ✍🏻, part time artist 🎨, learning how to have a chat with animals in between 💭

フォロー数:498 フォロワー数:2393

There will always be people who think women are weak, there will always be people who ask women to be stronger.

But I am both. I am my weakness, I am my strength. They make me a woman that I am today: a woman that accepts every part of her.

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It took me years to finally made peace with my "weakness cause I was born as woman".

I cry a lot? I'm strong enough to express my emotion.
I can't lift heavy thing? I'll think of a solution to solve the problem.
I'm too emotional to lead? Then I'll be a leader instead of a boss.

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Exactly. I once wrote about this on my art account https://t.co/94hmcsrjtd 🤣

Go big or go home? Do you underestimate my willingness to just go home and sleep in my beloved bed? https://t.co/RMCldd3XWf

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Because even if, at some point, we'll have difficulties along the way, at least we choose the path on our own. ☺️ (2/2)

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How many times in a week we say something like "why the fuck did I choose this" or "why did I sign up for this"?

I made a comic about that kind of moment. I hope we share a same experience! (1/2)

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Quote tweet with your photo and your favorite anime character. https://t.co/DrCEwcgdRp

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✅ Birthday greeting card, perfect for people who has no 'new age, new goal' plan
✅ Adopting pet greeting card for people who has never had any commitment before... or have more than one at the moment 👀🏠

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✅ New place getting card berharap it won't be another horror movie material
✅ Giving birth greeting card for 💪🏻 strong mothers 💪🏻 out there

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Teman ada yang wisuda? Nikah? Pindah rumah? Punya anak? Ulang tahun? Atau baru adopsi anabul?

There's always ✨ moment to celebrate✨. Karenanya aku bikin physical greeting cards dengan copy khas aku.

✅ Bisa dibeli di sini ya: https://t.co/OQJao7Qpr4

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