

Full time writer ✍🏻, part time artist 🎨, learning how to have a chat with animals in between 💭

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So this year I decided to celebrate my mediocre life. I may not be the 'it' girl or the 'wealthy auntie' but hey, mediocre lives are also worth celebrating!

If you are okay with doing the bare minimum and proud of it, go follow on IG. Let's enjoy this life together!

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Barang siapa membelikan aku Ipponzuri yang ini, niscaya

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Lu semua Islam KTP doang bangga koar-koar, ini ada yang Islam plat mobil diem-diem aja.

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Jadi mereka semua adalah office cats. Kantor gue punya 4 kucing dan 1 anjing, semua dibiarkan berkeliaran bebas di kantor.

Kalo penasaran dengan tingkah laku para amateur therapy cats ini (kami kalo stress di kantor langsung pelukin mereka) bisa cek https://t.co/Y8auzOXlfn ❤️

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Kalau suka series yang bisa ditonton terpisah perepisodenya (kayak Black Mirror), coba tonton ini di Netflix. Isinya kumpulan short movies berdurasi 6-15 menit.

My top 5:
1. Sonnie’s Edge (reminds me of CLAMP’s Angelic Layer)
2. Suits
3. Lucky 13
4. Good Hunting
5. Fish Night

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