

I like to talk about what I like :) (vns/doujinsoft) MAIN/ART ACC: @c01a_

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Ppl keep encouraging me to try streaming idk of my poor computer can even handle it 😔 I feel like I should try it out at least once at some point but I couldn’t imagine it becoming a casual thing for me, I don’t have the streaming spirit piropoi has

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Ahh you got me, but It was released as a UMD movie on the psp 🤔

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Ah speaking of APPLE PROJECT, I was able to find a demo of 天使のお仕事 -Their Wishes Afterward-, unfortunately there was no actual gameplay just the op movie and some promo text tho 😭

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Funny thing about Mizuiro, since I’ve been digging so much for the old stage nana doujin titles I’ve become pretty familiar with nekonekosoft which is the group that spawned from it, Duette A has a promo for it since it was going to come out the following year

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Vns have the best girls….

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GOODNIGHT every1 holy shit I’m so happy I’m so happy thank u komatsuzaki

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