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So... uh... what's the spot on the Sinnoh map furthest away from Lake Verity? Route 210's quite a ways... let's just let the Hattena family rest there. When I think of places in Sinnoh that would lack strong emotions, the nearby Solaceon Ruins would come to mind!
It's not quite Rolycoly levels of obvious, in my eyes, but Sinistea and Polteageist being present in the Old Chateau is up there on the "this makes too much sense" list. Bonus points if it has an increased encounter rate in the kitchen!
In case you ever wonder "is this list really rooted in objectivity and not the author's bias?", please take Toxel's inclusion as a sign that there is definitely no bias involved. These guys would fit right in on Route 222 alongside fellow Electric-types Magneton and Electabuzz
I'm grouping all of these together since you really can't separate them; I could see Cramorant and the Arrokuda family serving as additional common surfing and fishing encounters, respectively!
The Applin family! These guys make a lot of sense to me as a common encounter through Honey trees. I loathe that mechanic as much as the next person but maybe Applin can redeem it for some people
...oh my god, is it time? I finally get to talk about the Rolycoly family?? The whole reason I started thinking about this idea in the first place!? YES!!!
...ahem. Game Freak, if you're out there reading this, please put this thing in Oreburgh Mine. Thank you.
Speaking of early-game Pokemon, the Gossifleur family! If you didn't pick Turtwig, there's not much option for a reliable Grass-type to use against Roark (I love Budew but it's not a Cranidos killer!) so I could see Gossifleur filling that niche on Routes 203 and 204
The last region to cover! Starting with Blipbug, Dottler, and Orbeetle; these funny fellows would fit in as an Eterna Forest Pokemon or as a general early bug encounter since Wurmple takes a bit to start showing up
The final Alolan Pokemon on this list! The Jangmo-o family would be a great last encounter on Victory Road.
...and for those who wouldn't want to wait that long to use it, I could maybe see it as a rare encounter in Iron Island or the Ravaged Path
Of course, you can't have Turtonator without Drampa! The two of them tend to be in completely different locations, and Drampa's habitats of preference means it would most likely be found roaming the upper levels or even the snowy peaks of Mt. Coronet