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Do you remember when Gogoat riding was hyped up to be a big thing and then Gogoat stopped existing after X and Y? I think these guys would make a lot of sense on the western end of Route 211, right next to Eterna's Grass gym (riding not included).
Given Floaroma's whole flowery aesthetic, it'd be a crime if you couldn't find the Flabebe family around the area. Even though Floaroma Meadow doesn't have traditional wild encounters, I'd argue Flabebe is worth making an exception for; otherwise, you could have it on Route 205.
Moving on to Kalosian Pokemon... whereas Lillipup was my pick for a Bidoof alternative, I think Fletchling makes a lot of sense as a companion for Starly. Arceus knows that Sinnoh is in desperate need of some more Fire-type Pokemon!
The final Unovan Pokemon on this list! (Phew!) Game Freak's done a pretty awful job at giving people a chance to use Larvesta and Volcarona in-game. I think tucking them away behind the Trophy Garden would be a fun little surprise, since that's meant to be a spot for rare Pokemon
I would not be surprised if whoever designed Heatmor and Durant wanted them to be part of the Fuego Ironworks but missed the chance to get them in Sinnoh. They're too perfect for that area! Also, while it's not *technically* part of Sinnoh, Stark Mountain makes sense for them too
Mienfoo gives me very strong Route 214 vibes. Though, considering that Game Freak has really enjoyed putting them on mountainous areas lately, I could also seem it being an encounter within the top reaches of Mt. Coronet
Here comes everybody's favorite Pokemon. Stunfisk strikes me as a Pokemon that would make a lot of sense but would be confined to the Great Marsh instead because Game Freak knows people want to pay for the chance to encounter it
Cubchoo and Beartic make perfect sense as encounters for Lake Acuity. Sinnoh could use a little more reason to get you to actually surf to those isolated patches of grass besides TMs that were purchasable at Veilstone!
Would it be mean to Gible if I put the Axew family in the Wayward Cave entrance that doesn't have it...? Otherwise, you could probably slot it into somewhere like the Maniac Tunnel or upper Mt. Coronet
Platinum's interpretation of the Lost Tower has it decorated with blue torches, which has it just begging to be a habitat for the Litwick family... even if we were working with the Diamond and Pearl incarnation, I think it'd still be at home here