Let's Talk Comic Cowboys🤠さんのプロフィール画像

Let's Talk Comic Cowboys🤠さんのイラストまとめ

Let's talk cowboys, Western-themed characters in comics and the Eternity Mask!
Fave cowboys: Jinny Hex and Two-Gun Kid

check @itsCalJordan and @ForceOfLegacy

フォロー数:367 フォロワー数:218

Godspeed goes back to the guy who made him attack Barry
The master is the guy that was released from the 25th-century prison
The flash family destroyed his family, so he wants to hurt the flash fam
Evil Wally?
N52 Future Flash?
John Fox?
Cobalt Blue?

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Bart kicks Godspeed's ass and Godspeed is told his "employer" to get back to the speedforce because he wasn't ready for Bart

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And finds out Zolomon is still out there

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Psych kills Santiago and reveals to Barry secrets about the forces

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He meets Psych, the Sage force avatar, they team up with him
But he's not exactly a good guy

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Trickster gains access to the Strenght force and Heatwave gains access to the Sage force, Barry and Commander Cold defeats them both

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Barry consults with Flashes of the multiverse (Flash: into the speedster-verse for when?)

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Commander Cold is stuck in the 21st century
And Wally goes to the Sanctuary

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It also frees this dude in the 25th century: is it anti-monitor? mandrakk? superboy prime?
Also the word that makes any Flash fan quiver: Crisis

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the whole event changes the time-line massively
it also breaks time-travel via the speedforce

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