Let's Talk Comic Cowboys🤠さんのプロフィール画像

Let's Talk Comic Cowboys🤠さんのイラストまとめ

Let's talk cowboys, Western-themed characters in comics and the Eternity Mask!
Fave cowboys: Jinny Hex and Two-Gun Kid

check @itsCalJordan and @ForceOfLegacy

フォロー数:367 フォロワー数:218

*Wally wants to break the speedforce because he thinks he children are trapped in it
*Barry knows it's a terrible idea because 1.Flashpoint 2.Hunter Zolomon is dressed like the Reverse-Flash, why would you trust him?
Still a better conflict than Civil War 2, don't @ me

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They are taken into the future for Iris' trial but it's a trap

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Commander Cold remembers the encounter he had with Barry pre-flashpoint
Which could mean that the timeline repairs itself before the 25th century or that he wasn't affected by flashpoint

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Wally and Barry have been fighting a lot
And Wally's memories have been fighting in his head

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Wally finally goes to see Iris, seeing him makes her remember him and then Wally remembers his lost kids

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Meena is in jail but Augustus is free
Augustus is promised redemption and having his brother's murder solved

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They work together
Meena switched sides
They defeat Grodd

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*Telling Wally he's CC's flash
*Which is telling him "you're in charge"
*but making big decisions behind his back
*not trusting Wally. Wallace and Avey
*Basically using them
*huge "the hero complex"
*Speed junkie
Barry was being a huge ahole but mostly a self-sacrificing idiot

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Barry isn't actually "chill" with losing his powers a frees and the whole "wally you're central city's flash" was bs

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Barry tries to fix the wand but can't

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