

UX/UI Designer. Views are my own.

フォロー数:1501 フォロワー数:717

Hey blender artists, is there a way to create a hologram effect like on the image below within one shader? At the moment it's plane with a Solidify modifier and material offset. But I'd like to have control over it using one material without a modifier

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Yay, it works! Thanks for sharing this tip! Don't know why it didn't work out when I was trying different settings.

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Hey lovely people, does anyone know how to make these guys as instances and follow the curve in When I add a particle system to the disc, they all look in the same or random direction, but I want them to move clockwise around the sphere.

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Working on a concept of the "fantasy" style card heavily inspired by BL3 and animes. Thanks, for the backdrop image ;) Character from Mixamo.

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Recently watched American Honey and did some drawing on my chalkboard in the kitchen :)

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I hope that next week I'll rig and pose this char. I got sick using the same pose all the time :)

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Black stone island. Finally I made something with vegetation :)

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