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@Italibaso *Scootaloo is just a normal statue now, nothing more and nothing less*
@Italibaso *In Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash starts to admire the Scootaloo statue*
@Italibaso Cozy Glow: Thanks for allowing us to see Scootaloo ^^
@Italibaso *Scootaloo is just a normal statue and nothing more*
Rainbow Dash: Nope, nor can she see or feel anything. Scootaloo and the rest of the CMC are just normal statues now
@Italibaso Cozy Glow: I'll have to visit them both someday. ^^
Rainbow Dash: What did you think of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle being statues forever?
@Italibaso Cozy Glow: Wow, Scootaloo looks amazing as a statue. Wouldn't you agree Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?
@Italibaso *Rainbow Dash brings the three to her room, where they see Scootaloo, forever turned to stone*
Rainbow Dash: Well, here she is. What do you think?