Ven Pie-Shimmerさんのプロフィール画像

Ven Pie-Shimmerさんのイラストまとめ

A blue floofy pony

Taken IRL by: @FlameStar21

Mother: @ellen34718866

Sister: @CozyGlow_PLife

Banner by @Darksly_z

Avatar by @InkHamster

フォロー数:4463 フォロワー数:4019

Rarity: I'm sure Rainbow Dash and Applejack are lucky as well to have their respective sisters being stone statues forever

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Rarity: Wonderful. Come on in and I'll show you Sweetie Belle, she's in the display room. ^^

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*Listens to the beautiful music while I'm still a tree*

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Diamond Tiara: After breakfast, I want to hang out with Silver Spoon, we're planning on visiting Applejack today to see her newest decoration

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Twilight: And while we're at it, I might as well have Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle be the same way. All three of you will be regular statues of stone forever, I figured you'd all like that

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Twilight: How did you like your stone sleep Scootaloo?

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*Gives you a super massive floofy hug*

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Cozy Glow: You look great Scootaloo. How do you feel?

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*Scootaloo can only speak telepathically*

Scootaloo: Wow, being a statue is the best. Oh, hello everypony.

*She smiles within her petrified form*

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Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming everypony. I hope you all have a wonderful day today. ^w^

Artwork by @/MoonbeamMLP

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