Ven Pie-Shimmerさんのプロフィール画像

Ven Pie-Shimmerさんのイラストまとめ

A blue floofy pony

Taken IRL by: @FlameStar21

Mother: @ellen34718866

Sister: @CozyGlow_PLife

Banner by @Darksly_z

Avatar by @InkHamster

フォロー数:4463 フォロワー数:4019

Diamond Tiara: Maybe after Hearth's Warming you all can show me them. ^w^

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Diamond Tiara: I would love to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders statues someday

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Diamond Tiara: Hey Applejack, I heard about what happened to Apple Bloom. Do you like having her as a statue?

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Fluttertree: Just thought that I'd wake up briefly to wish you a Happy Hearth's Warming Eve Bas. I hope you'll have a wonderful holiday my friend.

*Fluttertree smiles within her tree form before going back to her eternal sleep. Once again, she's nothing more than a regular tree*

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Diamond Tiara: Let us all place some presents around the Floof Tree to celebrate the holiday. ^^

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*Diamond Tiara giggles at the name*

Diamond Tiara: I'm not sure if that fits Pinkie. Let's have the name be something related to how fluffy he was

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*Cozy Glow examines the Scootaloo statue*

Cozy Glow: She looks great. Is it true that she's just a normal statue now?

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Cozy Glow: Hi Rainbow Dash. Golly, is that Scootaloo with you?

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Happy Hearth's Warming Octavia

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