Moirai Mythsさんのプロフィール画像

Moirai Mythsさんのイラストまとめ

Moirai Myths is a small but dedicated indie #visualnovel studio with a passion for dynamic storytelling, complex characters, and rich, intricate worlds.

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:1849

‣‣‣ Keagan

"Tch, dishonourable. Gutless. Wholly untrustworthy. I'd watch my step around that one, else you might end up with a dagger in your back."

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‣‣‣ Shae

"...Robin's friend, right? I only know as much as I'm told, I suppose. They have a good heart from what I hear, but they're honourable to a fault. Still, I wouldn't mind meeting them some day... No, perhaps not. That wouldn't be wise."

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‣‣‣ Aífe

"I... don't know. Some of them mean well, surely, but it can be difficult to tell where delusion ends and malice begins.

...I'm sorry, I can't talk about this anymore. Just be careful with them, alright?"

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‣‣‣ Shae

"What's to say about that lousy lot o' traitors? Other than f*** 'em, o' course."

Whoa! That sure is a, uh... passionate response there, Shae! Why do you feel that way?

"...They took someone important to me. That's all there is to it."

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It's nearly time to reveal our first member of the Unseelie Court... but before we do! Why don't we get some last thoughts from the Seelie? 🍃

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A type? Hmm~ Now why might you be asking me a thing like that?

That said, no, not especially so. I prefer when others are true to themselves, not moulded to my liking. I have to deal with enough inauthentic flatterers as it is. -Aífe 💋💞

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No need for the formalities, darling. We're all friends here, aren't we? As for passions, I'm quite fond of dressmaking - though, every time I do it, I tend to find myself followed by an entourage of copycats a short while later. Ah well. -Aífe 💋💞

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I don't know. Can you~? -Aífe 💋💞

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Hmm~ Well, I wouldn't say overwhelmed, but the ceaseless jabbering of court grates on my nerves from time to time. Fortunately, the palace gardens make for a marvellous respite! Hardly anyone bothers me there, unless I invite them to. Care to walk with me sometime~? -Aífe 💋💞

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We're getting close to the end of Aífe Week, so let's cap it off with a little Q&A! Reply below to ask the Queen of the Seelie Court any questions you may have for her. She would be delighted to hear from you!

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