Moirai Mythsさんのプロフィール画像

Moirai Mythsさんのイラストまとめ

Moirai Myths is a small but dedicated indie #visualnovel studio with a passion for dynamic storytelling, complex characters, and rich, intricate worlds.

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:1849

Here comes the newly crowned King of the Unseelie, and next LI for / Flannán Mac Lugh! A towering presence rivalled only by his rebel father... Ready to learn more? 🏹🍂

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Haha, beautiful? You're very kind to say so. Don't think I can answer the 'why' of it, though... Maybe I'm just mysterious that way? - Maeve

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...I hope you're right. - Maeve

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As we near the end of Maeve Week, we'd like to give you a chance to ask her any questions you may have for her! About herself, about the Unseelie, even the other LIs... For the rest of the day, she's all ears!

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While she is most commonly associated with crows or ravens, she also is known to shape-shift into an eel or wolf. Regardless of her form, whichever side she chooses in battle is sure to win.

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A multifaceted goddess, The Morrígan was associated fertility and prophecy, but also war and death. Her moniker "washer at the ford" heeds that soldiers who see her washing their clothes at a river are doomed to die in battle.

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Welcome to another Let's talk about the mysterious, elusive goddess that inspired Maeve: The Morrígan.

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‣‣‣ Flannán

"He's a good man with a good heart, even if he is a bit temperamental. What's important is that he wants the best for his people, despite what little he was given to work with. I'd follow him into Mag Mell itself."

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‣‣‣ Robin

"They're a right pain in my ass, but never mean any real harm. Unfortunately, what they intend sometimes doesn't agree with what actually happens. Still, Robin is a bit like family now, so I put up with it."

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‣‣‣ Aífe

"I don't know much about her. Well, except that she's a fraud. Still, I can only assume that she's not much different from her predecessors... The Seelie Court would never allow someone with real convictions to take the throne like that."

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