

i like touhou (+ vchuubas) | 🇲🇾 | random thoughts and art |
ko-fi.com/mywool | patreon.com/miwol | wool.fanbox.cc
Commissions: Closed |

フォロー数:1157 フォロワー数:33218

*checking out yuuma fanarts as reference*
haha fan artists are really having fun with her design, she has cutlery on her shirt! i get it because she has a giant spoon as a weapon! that's so silly, now lemme check the official ZUN art- oh

168 1512

dragon year

631 2572

a lot of simple coloring and not much backgrounds this year

125 896

an actually useful update for once(?)
on pc btw

27 388

the last time i drew these three was 9 years ago🙃 the colors are a bit too saturated for my current taste but still doesn't look that bad imo, improvements doko https://t.co/EJtNj4QStO

226 1305

toholive gamers

1064 4963