

i like touhou (+ vchuubas) | 🇲🇾 | random thoughts and art |
ko-fi.com/mywool | patreon.com/miwol | wool.fanbox.cc
Commissions: Closed |

フォロー数:1157 フォロワー数:33218

modeus from helltaker

235 1099

also i noticed that people keep mixing and confused between these two memes lol, i guess the first one is not as well known as the second one https://t.co/zUCiTbGEll

16 166

some alts when one of them play games with single player only

32 175

laughing twins

295 1381

trying to get back into it

772 3488

it just works

563 2838

recently realized i never did share the full version, i've grown stronger over the years so have this https://t.co/uP5YiBDuxG

255 1396

got a steam deck few months ago

477 2354

it's been a while

683 2916