

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.... well, maybe debriefed.

working on a video game! #littlecomicshopgame

フォロー数:598 フォロワー数:730

the timehop didn't show the picture , it's the corner box from issue 7

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and the Allreds! and Adam Hughes and the whole creative teams!

Fantastic Four (650!) was a fantastic comic! just wonderful and hardly any shenanigans

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you know, there should be an updated remaster thingy for They Stole a Million. a strategic heist game

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nice! it was SO good. if you like horror, Hotell is very good, like a horror-y twilight zone-y thing! I really dug it. Road of Bones is fantastic survival horror

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slowed down on comics over the past few days because I'm reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight

but also read X-Force 119 and Marvel Spotlight

total: 115

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and a couple more House of M tie in issues

Spider-Man: House of M issue 5
Decimation: House of M - The Day After issue 1

and something completely different
X-Force issues 116 & 117

total: 113

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and finally, yes, yesterday I spent most of my evening just enjoying some comics!

Marvel Zombies Resurrection 1 to 4. Was a fun rebooted version of the MZU

total: 104

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ok. So I finished up the first arc of Black Panther vol 3 with issues 4 & 5. Really good arc!

then back to House of M with
Fantastic Four: House of M and
Iron Man: House of M

total: 97

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