

Sometimes artist / 18+ / banana saboteur / fannibal / recovering indie DJ / they/them / pride goblin

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:672

OH I almost forgot, today is Saint Sebastian day and therefore it is an obligation to share the Will Graham as St Sebastian thirst pictures, here's an old one of mine but do please join in 😊

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Slowly flexing the long-dormant drawing arm with tasteful* nudity, ropes and some loudly implied cannibalism

[*Open for rump]

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Feeling lots of love for the - pls accept this aged offering of a moonlit Will 💙

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Piping up with these Hannibal pieces for - mixed media including acrylic, charcoal, digital (edits) and banana.
Photo credit for final image belongs to almighty fandom deity

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Hi! I'm Muffy Morgan and I'm late to everything, including the but I miss the fannibals so very much 💖 I sometimes draw on bananas or paper, depending on what's available. Stay safe, amazing beans 🌈

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...second offering to (watercolour brush pens/low res)

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Happy - with fondest memories of having too many emotions about this beautiful show and the amazing people who made it and love it - to now, when I still have too many emotions about it (and still need to paint them).

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You're so strong for doing this and I'm sorry it's suchba tough thing to go through love x ❤❤❤

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Here is the second piece I did for that I forgot to share (painted in acrylics) and I am going to keep painting imagined new beginnings until gifts us with more 💙

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