

I am Odalia Blight's Strongest Simp.

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:4732

You know if you were gonna cram a comic filled to the brim with gender based stereotypes why not go all out

She's already in a Kitchen Apron

Where is the Wonder Bread and Mayonnaise

0 7

Lads. How do I marry into Royalty

How do I pretend to be a Prince so the Ice Queen can come and capture me.

>Oh no. I've been captured and am forced to live in a gigantic ice palace with Ara Ara Ice Queen. How Terrible.

1 20

Chris Chan doesn't believe in Haggling since he's used to overmarking all of his used and damaged products on his Etsy and EBay accounts all of which have been banned

>How much for this Sonichu Amiibo


>Homie i'll pay you $2 for this.

4 28

>So Chris, do you still guzzle your own coom to "recycle" it

>Of course not. Havent you seen the inside of my freezer I keep it all in their because I hope to one day cash in all of my coom so I can finally produce the Biological Daughter I have wanted since my High School Years

0 5

Bro. Look at the girl who looks like Pacifica and then look at Pacifica's actual model

That cant be a coincidence

0 2

Why are you not wearing your Maid Dress and Apron?

0 0

Hulu + must be really desperate to catch up with Disney + HBO Max and Netflix since the Animaniacs Reboot got renewed for 2 additional seasons

I mean im all for more potential waifu bait but more specifically recurring waifu bait

Make Nora more Conservative please

0 10

Online Video Cutter has now become completely unusable

It went from being able to trim down videos up to 200GB to videos exceeding 700MB

I am beyond fucking enraged and disgusted about this

Fuck you Online Video Cutter I have wrestling videos that needed to be trimmed down

1 8

Bee's Pilot design is a 12/10.

The Ideal Sandwich Maker to bare me a child. Look at that fucking Cat Apron.

2 17

>5 Seconds into Good Witch Azora and Chill and your Lesbian Human GF starts to tug at your pants.

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