

What am I even doing here...

フォロー数:193 フォロワー数:3295

Stumbled upon this old unfinished genderbent Velen model on my old harddrive🤔Can't remember what I was going to use it for

15 229

I love Ogres! But experiment with them a long time ago I realized the terrible clipping with the two-headed ones.

2 34

Another lore sin I often think of...

Do you remember how just before the war Anduin asked Greymane if he would still want to meet his son if he turned out undead?.... Anyway, here's a character you probably never heard or cared about.

33 374

I'd really love to share atleast something for I wish I'd praticed drawing more often, so that I'd be able to share something greater than this really old panel from a comic that never was.

Mindare has been my main since Vanilla and she rly means alot to me.

13 120

Gift!🎁 It's a Gnorc. Bye!

93 604

If you could bring one hearthstone character or artwork into World of Warcraft, what would it be?

20 316

Thank you!
At the moment, there's nothing. The waist and leg areas are still some places where I would like to work out something extra. But not sure what to do. The belf model has some straps that are supposed to secure the leg plates to her thighs, but didn't include them here.

0 9

Here's my opinion: The updated Uther model would have a much better silhouette if it aimed for something like the shrine statue. For me the 9.1 model looks like it's trying to mimic that wc3 or Hots style sadly making the it look like that bloated wotlk Arthas model.

6 117

"Gnomeregan, you've probably never heard of it"

11 97