

What am I even doing here...

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Never take fashion tips from a dragon wearing this

7 119

Orcs have a couple of good beard styles, but one I wish we got is a full one that grows beyond the edge of the chin. So I repurposed a geoset I made some time ago for a ogre model.
Blizzard recently added separated sideburns with a similar result, but figured I'd show it anyway.

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Most of them suffer from very confusing ways of layering stuff on top of eachother. And the low resolution sometimes take them hard to distinguish. Myself, wearing the warlock plagueheart, set find it rather hard funny to figure out the layout of the set, what is on top of what.

0 5

On the topic of character customization, I think the way they handled night elves beards in the shadowlands alpha is just brilliant! I hope that we will be able to separate beard and mustasches for dwarves and gnomes as well.

4 39

I just want that beanie the civilians wear

0 4

Updated looks for another OC.
<Mindare Wildgrowth - Argent Dawn EU>

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