

ryukyuan-american artist / lapsed doomsday cultist / "cabbage patch rat"

フォロー数:624 フォロワー数:1182

geitz is a really good character whom i never use in fe7

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pilu from 's graphic novel "pilu of the woods!" if you haven't read it yet i can't recommend it enough, it's incredibly beautiful and touching.

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asked what i should draw and suggested "mewtwo using the toilet"

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hawkeye! a cool guy and a good dad. but why does he have a metal arm in the desert...

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zihark! i could never choose between him and mia in PoR so i always used both.

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heath! why he is the only one in the game with multiple hair colors, i have never understood.

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nephenee is maybe my favorite lance user in PoR

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isadora from fe7. never used her but she's a hottie

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fire emblem three houses is trending so check out my drawings of the three lords

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