

(semi-hiatus from life bc caretaking duties) She/her, 30+. Personal & fandom acc. 🐗🐍🐗💕

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:1072

More procrastirender xD

1 7

Did anybody say procrastirender...? :3

1 41

Last 4 fictional characters you have saved are your roommates... bshdgjshdjshd

0 5

Late to the “oshi vs me” bandwagon xD
we are not very alike hahaha

0 8

Banri gave me zool right ;O;
Toumaaaaaaa my boyyyy ;O;

0 7

Banri said I can have some rights at 120k :)

0 11

Oh no D:
*hug hug*
I think I have a couple tenns on my ipad, hold on...

0 4

Here’s a couple of earlier stage wips :)

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