

(hiatus) She/her, 30+. Personal & fandom acc. 🐗🐍🐗💕

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:1068

today in Deji being Deji...

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Couple more vincas (no idea why i didn’t make an aged uo vinca apoear as a random character cameo in caramoka... maybe i’ll sketch her in the bg of one of the remaining cg lol)

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Here, have some vincas that never made it to dA nor tumblr apparently?

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Dies Irae: Phantation Elements by J. Caudle

You may also have seen me working on characters for this on and off during the past few years.
It’s an RPG game that’s being slowly worked on :)

(Re)Designing the characters has been fun ^^

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The Parasol Festival: Bittersweet Blossom by

This is baby. I painted the whole character, event illusts AND GUI is watercolor. Because I’m nuts.
(Moogs, this is your cue to work on this)
I don’t think we have a page to link here ):

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Danmaku!! By

This is a touhou party card game with many different artists’s work!
I’m the resident chibi artist and contribute with character art for some cards as well :)
(You can also buy some of my not-danmaku prints from there ;D )

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Cute Demon Crashers! By

The infamous fluffy tame 18+ VN that has a bajillion downloads lol
This was made out of pure self indulgence because we didn’t like the non-con-y stuff from 18+ otome games back then lol

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Blue Rose by

I didn’t do the character art on this one except for the promo and the logo here, but I worked on it as the colorist! :D I loved working on this so much <3

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Yousei by

The third installment of Jisei series!
This is my favorite <3
[insert comment about me loving LiMei and the twins so much]

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