

A Naruto FAN acccount. Not an official account! Will try to blog about other things.
Proud Naruhina,Mitsuboru,and Sasukarin shipper,but multiships Naruto 🍅🍥

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:1015

In case you still doubt where her cute factor came from.

9 22

She's just unleashing her inner Naruto in this new episode.

42 167

Am I crazy or is this not Naruto's Konoha?

8 47

It's just as pretty with age

1 1

People still talking about Naruto with a receding hairline,as if he actually has one. Like have you guys never seen a guy with short hair before or what?

14 48

And then Mitsuki's just there like,"I have a snek."

7 23

I love how everyone else is with some member of their family

14 59