

Data Analyst | Meme maker | Miami native | #GoFins | #DolphinsTwitter | Sarcasm enthusiast | Army Infantry Vet | ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

フォロー数:1333 フォロワー数:3797
# finsup

"Hey Mike, guess what day it is?!"

1 15

It's both 9/11 and Week 1 kickoff.

🇺🇸 +

0 6

Let's just sweep this under the rug, shall we??

1 21

Sweep away their nonsensical chatter, like does to their teams.

1 8

TE Scythe?

Now there's a meme concept I can get behind!

0 1

Cute, considering he's 3-0 against those clowns in Fuxboro.

0 0

Not to mention is 3-0 vs McCorkle so far.

5 28

"Mike, Mike, Mike.... Guess what day it is?!"

3 13

When taking the field for the Super Bowl, I want a pod of flying dolphins leading the onto the field while players have helmets with functional blowholes.

1 16