

Data Analyst | Meme maker | Miami native | #GoFins | #DolphinsTwitter | Sarcasm enthusiast | Army Infantry Vet | ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

フォロー数:1322 フォロワー数:3901

Keep stacking those bodies !

0 14

Don't go away mad - just go away.

1 17

About that OL....

0 5

Since the🦄 Preston Williams has been out, he had time to write a new book. All fans in attendance will find a free copy under the seat or in the trash can.

0 3

That is so on-point with this clown show team this year!

0 1

Jump, Jive & Wail y'all.

0 1

We getting him back? I would be fine with it.

0 1