

聖なるうんこ製造機。うば配達自転車マン。肉体労働汗臭おっちゃん67120歳なので難しい事はわかりまてん。 #自主制作アニメ #b3d #Blender #3DCG #オリメカ #FLStudio #DTM

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:180

27th video is coming soon? sound is yet. please wait.

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new character modeling. working in progress. 服を着せるのに体を作っちゃう・・ 

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lighting test. energy : sun 1.0, point 0.2, area 0.1

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C53. test render. 1 second. very tired.

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sketch using polygon. it's my training

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the building for anime. test ver.

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polygon sketch. study of robot design for anime.

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twitter jpg upload test

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