

At MihoyoLaB I go with Nerenil.
WIP: Dreams of Delusion, ZhonglixChilde project.
Slowly returning?
I make genshin comics via editing.
Completed comics: 7

フォロー数:2 フォロワー数:351

Thank you again for all the new follows and the likes~ Childe suprises Zhongli by finally joining the team and Zhongli returns the favour for making them wait so long.

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The following scene's pages after Zhongli had fallen into the Abyss part of Childe's mind. The Sea of Dreams~the lighter half of his mind. Enjoy~💕UwU

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I have finally finished my latest major comic project with finalized 35 pages. It's available for reading over at Mihoyo forums.

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Shadows Grow Darker in the Night, Part 3
So the reason Zhongli was followed by the fatui was...?

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Even if a bit late but it's my thanks for all the follows. I hope you guys continue to look forward to my comic projects and other stuff~ OwO

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Short comic ft. Kazuha and Thoma. What their connection might be, is for each to decide. I have left it open on purpose. Enjoy reading~💕 UwU

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Okay, so first glimpse of pages plus extra pics. They're only draft versions so everything can still change but you get an idea of the context.

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This scene is going to look real nice once I start editing the comic pages. What do you guys think? Excited yet for the comic? Feel free to share your feels! 😉💕

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