Julio Pereira - Neurocirurgião SPさんのプロフィール画像

Julio Pereira - Neurocirurgião SPさんのイラストまとめ

Julio Pereira - Neurocirugião - São Paulo 🇧🇷 - Tel: 11 4200-2300 📷Instagram 300 k 🎬TikTok 130 k 📺 YouTuber 1M

フォロー数:2119 フォロワー数:32552

Antiepileptic drugs as prophylaxis for postcraniotomy seizures. https://t.co/XhqHvBglE4

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Impact of Resident Involvement in Neurosurgery: An American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database Analysis of 33,977 Patients https://t.co/gEIq4YjGJs

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Arachnoid cysts with spontaneous intracystic hemorrhage and associated subdural hematoma https://t.co/95V34C0B3r

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Strokectomy and Extensive Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage for the Treatment of Space-Occupying Cerebellar Ischemic Stroke. https://t.co/gVmu11mMOM

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Therapeutic outcomes of transsphenoidal surgery in pediatric patients with craniopharyngiomas: a single-center study. https://t.co/thpgwRwmW0

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Surgical clipping of ruptured Internal carotid artery aneurysm(Pcom segment)🇧🇷 tratamento cirúrgico de aneurisma roto de carótida interna segmento comunicante posterior.#neurocirurgiabr hia https://t.co/GzlvTuxqsI

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