

oh heckie what the darn i do stuff she/it. i'm lilah?🏳️‍⚧️ im a freelance writer and future librarian!

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:281

This is a different Aamilah, a much more cheerful girl. A Blood Magi of the Red School, her masters and fellow students were all slain by assassins she now hunts with her friend Zyz, who is a nb vampire from before the dawn of time.

1 5

warlord is the best class ever conceived and it should be in every fantasy game. gubat banwa is so good it has it twice. also flower necromancy. rooster knights. fuck yes.

4 11

i'm JUST gonna post the disciplines i think are the coolest to convince you to buy this game. why haven't you bought this game.

3 12

We're at the end of the core rulebook and thus, the end of my has created a fantastic game that traps violent people between their desires and their loyalty. A thousand chiefdoms of neverending war and neverending beauty.

2 10