Nightmares & Daydreams Podcastさんのプロフィール画像

Nightmares & Daydreams Podcastさんのイラストまとめ

Join Roque & Max chatting about myths, legends, & folklore.

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:310

Wherever you know harm, regard that harm as your own & give your foes no peace. - from the Hávamál, 13th c. poem attributed to Odin

Fatherly advice from the All-Father. Happy Father's Day!

Art: Odin & Brunhilde, by F. Leeke

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Interestingly, Mexico City has a similar origin story. The Aztecs, sought a new home, & a god had told them to find a lake where an eagle with a snake in its beak would stand on a nopal cactus growing from a rock. Where they saw it, they founded Tenochtitlan.

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Happy St. Patrick's Day, folks. We have a bonus episode for you, episode 46: the Pooka!

Art by Alan Lee from Brian Froud's Faeries

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Tatterhood is born to her queen mother riding on a goat & holding a wooden spoon. She goes on to save her sister from trolls & more.

Art: unknown

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The Tulpar is a winged horse in Turkish & central Asian myth. Featured in the Kyrgyz Manas Epic, & other literature,
the tulpar were said to have been created by Kuday as the steeds of the most valiant heroes & could run as fast as the wind.

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John Scott of Easting in the Orkneys was a fiddler who spent a year underground pleasing the with his music. Told he'd never again lack for money, he had but put his hand in his pocket when he wanted it & it appeared. Until he told someone his secret...#FairyTaleTuesday

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Episode 39: Five Minutes of Folklore - the Yule Lads is out now!

Artist unknown, maybe Brian Pilkington? please let us know if you know.

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Episode 37: Tricksters is out now for your listening pleasure!

Art is "Loki" by . Check out her art at deviantart!

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