

I like too many things - daiya/gintama/fgo/idols/jump etc - icon by katsu

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:1038

new designs for the fgo ufo catcher fam

38 85

adding ainana bags this year! *__*

52 144

off to look for aneue goods (*•̀ᴗ•́*)

19 68

little postman

11 34

cheebs I drew for 's gorgeous arthur book!!! the book is available for pre-order here: https://t.co/OH1hrLUs1r <33

107 316

[RT's Appreciated 😭🙏✨]
Hi everyone, I've added charms to my store! Can check them out here: https://t.co/Y0vHKaxgwG
Thanks for looking💖💕💕

221 234